Solo Women

Welcome Solo Women

Welcome to One Woman Traveler.  If you’re here, it’s because you want to travel. You may also be here because by choice, or circumstance, you’re a solo traveler. Finally, you’re here because you’re a woman in “the second half” of life.

If you search the internet for “solo women travel blog” you will see a plethora of adventurous women who are traveling to exciting and dramatic locations.  There are stunning photographs and descriptions of climbing Machu Picchu.

On Facebook, there are dozens of pages dedicated to solo travelers, solo women travelers, and solo women travelers over 40 years old.  The members offer tips on how to navigate the Amsterdam airport or which cities to visit in Norway.

Pinterest posts will lead you to tips for solo traveling. On Instagram, you will see beautiful photos of places we want to visit.  We read blogs or watch videos on Youtube about amazing places.

Young Women Traveling the World are not Your Role Model

But look closely at these different social media options and you’ll find they’re all pretty similar.   Most are written by 20-30 year old single women.  They left after college or after a few years working, with a little saved money and a backpack.  We celebrate and admire this generation of women for bravely stepping out into the world, and for having the courage and determination to find their own path.

But 24 year old women are not us.  Most of them have never had the blessing/curse of children, or major economic upheaval, divorce, grief, trauma or disability.  They are not constricted by the life choices they’ve made.  And their advice often conflicts with our personal experience.  Messages to just “get on a plane and explore,” fall flat when we look at the coming mortgage payment.

We worry about health insurance and our aging parents.  We look at our bank accounts and try to figure out how to squeeze out a two-week vacation to Florida.  Adding to our situation is fear of the unknown and the untried.  We have a lifetime of fears and doubts packed into our suitcases.

We don’t know where to go and we don’t know how to start.  One Woman Traveler is here to help women like us travel solo around this amazing world.